W voor Wonen has drawn up this document in order to comply with the Good Landlordship Act and the Good Landlordship Regulations. W voor Wonen hereby informs the tenant about the following topics.

W voor Wonen declares that it adheres to the following:

W voor Wonen will not discriminate against home seekers.

W voor Wonen will not threaten or frighten the tenant.

W voor Wonen will ask for a maximum of 2 months basic rent as a deposit.

W voor Wonen will draw up a written rental contract.

W voor Wonen will not charge any mediation costs to the tenant.

Rights duties

a) W voor Wonen draws the tenant's attention to the following concise and non-exhaustive list of his possible rights and obligations, some of which - where relevant - have been further elaborated in the rental agreement:


  • The tenant may be entitled to a certain form of rental protection. The extent to which this applies depends on the type of rental agreement that the parties have agreed upon;
  • The tenant may be entitled to a certain form of rental price protection. This applies, for example, when it concerns the rental of a social rental home, room, caravan or caravan site;
  • In principle, the tenant is entitled to rental enjoyment;
  • The tenant may be entitled to housing allowance;


  • Tenant must pay the rent due on time;
  • Tenant must use the rented property as a good tenant;

W voor Wonen points the tenant to the following government website for additional information: 

Contact point

b) The contact details of the contact point where the tenant can go for matters relating to the rented property are as follows:

Municipal reporting point

c) The contact details of the municipal reporting point, where complaints about undesirable rental behavior can be reported, are as follows:

Minor repairs

d) The tenant has the option to contact the landlord in the event of defects in the living or accommodation space, unless there are minor repairs that the tenant must repair himself. For the question of what can be understood by minor repairs, the landlord refers the tenant to the 'Minor Repairs Decree' as an indication:

This Decree contains a non-exhaustive list of repairs that will in any case be borne by the tenant.

Possibilities Rent committee and/or subdistrict court judge

e) W voor Wonen points the tenant to the following website of the Rent Assessment Committee for an overview of the possible options the tenant has to contact the Rent Assessment Committee:

Furthermore, in certain cases tenants can turn to the subdistrict court, where the landlord notes that there is a certain overlap with the procedures at the Rent Assessment Committee. For an overview of these options, the landlord refers to the following websites of the Judiciary:

NB. As mentioned, W voor Wonen has drawn up this document in order to comply with the Good Landlordship Act and the Good Landlordship Regulations. W voor Wonen has done this with care and has tried to fulfill its obligation to do so in the best possible and transparent manner. Partly due to the fact that the regulations on which this document is based are completely new, the lessor notes that it could be the case that at some point it will become apparent that the document requires adjustment based on evolving insights. After all, it cannot be ruled out that, for example, the judiciary has a different interpretation of the information that must be provided to the tenant on a particular subject.

It is also important that W voor Wonen has referred several times in the document to the websites made available by the central government. W voor Wonen is committed to pointing out to the tenant that the information from these websites cannot necessarily be assumed to be correct. Tenancy law is an extensive and complicated system of rules that is regularly subject to change. The information provided on the websites may therefore be outdated in certain areas or may not take sufficient account of certain legal nuances and exceptions. The websites also contain a certain interpretation of the legislation, which will probably not be consistent in all cases with the interpretation of the Rent Tribunal or the judiciary. Moreover, this interpretation does not always take into account the agreements made between W voor Wonen and the tenant and/or the specific circumstances of a particular case.

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